Rebecca Martinez is a mother, friend, partner, author, and community member living on Chinook homelands known as Portland Oregon. She is the founder and Executive Director of Alma Institute, a 501(c) nonprofit private career school which offers legal psychedelic facilitator training and certification. She was a staff member on the Measure 109 campaign which became the Psilocybin Services Act. She has served on local and national advisory committees and working groups focused on drug policy and psychedelic health equity.
Prior to working in drug policy, Rebecca was a writer and organic farmer working on vegetable, dairy, and cannabis farms. She began working intentionally with psilocybin and other entheogens in 2016 and has been building relationships with psychedelics in ceremonial, therapeutic, and celebratory contexts ever since.
She is the author of Whole Medicine: A Guide to Ethics and Harm-Reduction for Psychedelic Therapy and Plant Medicine Communities, which was published by North Atlantic Books in January of 2024.
Rebecca enjoys dancing, singing, gardening, rock climbing, learning, and spending time with chosen family.